Omg they have cute looks and they look soooooo cute together!
As in, in the picture, not gay.
Holla! I'm back. * I spent more than an hour to look for a perfect header picture from weheartit, all I see is One Direction, and angmo ones that doesn't catch my eyes ohohoh. So I ended up searching for Korean ulzzang again. ;) * I'm sorry for not keeping my promise, life is getting busier than ever, I gotta catch up with my studies and this and that. I can't be back to blog twice a week. I don't even have time to take a sip of coffee. :(
What brings me here is, I'm feeling boring, I used up my Tetris batteries so I can't play a thing, so I shall just kill time here. Haha. Anyways, I got my results, and, I failed in my examination for the first time in my life, I FAILED MY CHINESE PAPER. Grr. I've got an A+ , 3 As', 2 B+ , a B- , 2 C+ s' and a G, haha, G means, FAIL. Kay whatever. Haha.

I like the heels if it's in black!
I met up with the girls last Friday over at Y's house. For baking session! :) But I ended up feeling sleepy, doing tuition work and played Y's iPad instead of helping. Hehehe. The cupcakes are nice girls! :) Was kinda upset because the terrible weather just ruined my plans. Andd, I didn't get to have dinner with 'em because I'm having my BM class. Anyways, we went out on a movie date the next day. :) We dined in Rakuzen in Empire Shopping Gallery before " The Vow ". The movie wasn't that bad, but, the girls cried, except me. O.O The movie is about a man who is trying to get his wife, who lost her memories with him, back after an accident. Hmm, I somehow feel that movie doesn't suit us teens though. Haha.
What else should I blog? o.o There's no school tomorrow. I'm suppose to attend some sports carnival activities this Thursday, but I don't think I'm going. And, em, I'm going for U12's Carnival Day. o.o Whatever lol, bye!